This illustration is a still life featuring items that reflect and represent my life.​​​​​​​ I completed this illustration my senior year of high school during a critical time in my life. In this piece, I included one of my horse's bridle and reins. Horses have been a part of my life since childhood, but as I outgrew my adolescence and college drew closer, I had to say goodbye to them and let go of something I deeply cherished. In the center is a 45 record of 'One of My Turns' by Pink Floyd. I chose this because it captures the disarray and emotional complexity that often accompanies transitions and challenges in life. For me, it felt fitting to the tumultuous yet pivotal experience of leaving one chapter behind to start another. Including this record represents both the chaos of change and the significance of this 'turn' in my journey. The final item is an hourglass, symbolizing the passage of time and the inevitability of what lies ahead in my future.
The creation of this illustration began with defining its intent and selecting items to encapsulate the message I wanted to convey. I arranged these objects into various compositions, experimenting with various setups to find the most compelling balance of elements. After taking photos of different compositions and lighting, I brought them into Adobe Bridge to sort through the photos. From there, I narrowed it down to eight potential reference photos. Once I selected the best, I took it into Adobe Photoshop for final edits
I starting with a precise line drawing that served as the foundation. Using graphite, I rendered the piece with a complete range of tonal values, paying close attention to light, shadow, and texture to bring depth and realism to the composition.​​​​​​​ After scanning the completed graphite illustration, I brought it into Photoshop, where I digitally painted in color. By utilizing blending modes and color adjustments, I reintroduced color and vibrancy to the piece to reflect the full color reference photo.
Pictured below is a visual board documenting each stage of the process, from concept to completion.

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